If you do ANY monitoring, my advice is to first, set them down and tell them WHY you are monitoring: 'I love you and trust you, but there are a lot of people out there that we don't know, who will try to gain your trust. Every adolescent needs SOME form of privacy, and while I'm all for keeping the predators at bay, if you use spectorsoft, you WILL end up observing and gaining far more knowledge of your kids private lives than either of you dream of. NetNanny is currently in use, and she wants to go to SpectorSoft, but I'm cautioning her to PLEASE be sure she wants to be that invasive. And I work with his Mom to make sure that he stays safe online. I'm not a parent, but I am the mentor to a 13-year old boy. Especially if they are in the 'trying to be an adult' stages of their lives. As a Security pro, it's GREAT! As an individual, it's horrible! As a parent, you NEED to be aware that it will show you far more about your children and their friends than you will have ever wanted to know. Click to expand.Where I work, we use SpectorSoft when dealing with certain types of internal investigations.